
I have had a thought, but it may not work..

My film is based on juxtapositions and so I feel it would only be appropriate to mimic this in all aspects of the film – including the music.

I have already decided that I want the Beach Boys ‘Wouldn’t it be nice’ to be incorporated in my film, this will probably be through the flashback scene and at the end. I love the juxtaposition of the music contrasting with the circumstances of the environment. In the case of the beach boys, the ending suicide would be the contrast against the jolly music.

The Beach Boys – Wouldn’t it be nice

However, I am also debating whether or not to include ‘Mr. Sandman’ by The Chordettes, right at the beginning of the film. This will introduce the characters, while making the scene look more sinister, due to the juxtaposition. The words within the song also contrast against the scene will also add to the chilling truth of the situation, words include ‘send me a dream’- making the audience question whether or not the murdered mother is sleeping or dead. This means that when the audience find out the truth, the visual along with the song will make for a spine-chilling moment.

Mr Sandman – The Chordettes


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